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Logo and Marks

Milestones deserve to be celebrated

Indiana University has developed a visual mark system for observing major anniversaries on all IU campuses.

An IU anniversary mark commemorates 60 years at the IU Northwest campus.

The anniversary mark system

Anniversary marks are the official identifying marks for all anniversary marketing materials, including print and digital pieces, signage, apparel, and merchandise.

Note: Campuses and units are not permitted to create or use any other anniversary marks. Schools and departments may add a campus line to the mark, if needed.

Request an anniversary mark

Celebrate any anniversary


Celebrate your campus anniversary.


Celebrate your school’s anniversary.


Celebrate your department's anniversary.

Breaking down the anniversary mark

  1. Anniversary box
    The anniversary box and trident tab frame the milestone year.
  2. Milestone date
    The milestone date identifies the milestone year being celebrated.
  3. University or department
    Campus marks will display the university name on the first line. School or department marks will use the first line only.
  4. Campus
    The second line is reserved for campus location identifiers. Schools and departments may add a campus line to the mark
  5. Anniversary dates
    Date range of the founding and milestone years.


A grid showing the ideal spacing sits around an anniversary mark for IU Northwest. The grid is the same size as the anniversary box.

Scaling and staging guidelines

  • To maintain full legibility, never reproduce the anniversary mark at heights smaller than two inches for print and 144 pixels for web.
  • There is no maximum size limit, but use discretion when sizing the anniversary mark.
  • The anniversary mark should never be the most dominant element on a page, but should live comfortably and clearly as an identifying mark.
  • To ensure that clear space is maintained around the anniversary mark for legibility and prominence, the mark must be separated on all sides from photos, text, and graphic elements by space equal to or greater than the height of the anniversary box.

Where to use the anniversary mark

kelley anni example
sign anni example
buttons anni example
banner anni example

Need an anniversary mark?

One thing is clear: as a university, we have a lot to celebrate. Our designers have been creating anniversary marks left and right, and we’d be happy to help with yours.