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Benton Sans Condensed: modern + slim

The condensed version of Benton Sans is great for situations where space is at a premium. It works well for headlines and subheads, and looks particularly good when set in all uppercase. Don't use Benton Sans Condensed for body copy.

The Benton Sans Condensed Regular typeface is visualized using capital and sentence case letters A to Z, as well as numbers 0 to 9.

Benton Sans Condensed Regular

To be used for labels and subheads.

The Benton Sans Condensed Medium typeface is visualized using capital and sentence case letters A to Z, as well as numbers 0 to 9.

Benton Sans Condensed Medium

To be used for labels and subheads.

The Benton Sans Condensed Bold typeface is visualized using capital and sentence case letters A to Z, as well as numbers 0 to 9.

Benton Sans Condensed Bold

To be used for headlines and subheads.

The Benton Sans Condensed Black typeface displayed in upper case, lower case, and numerals.

Benton Sans Condensed Black

To be used for headlines in the Bring on Tomorrow campaign.